Friday 20 November 2009

Dear Ana, thank you

..thank you for fixing the settings on this site.

as you probably have noticed by now, i have never been astute when it comes to following instructions, or reconfiguring settings,or in any thing for that matter.

yes Ana, i know, 21 years with your Ate, you probably know that i am incompetent with alot of things.

but it does not matter,because you're here. and that i commend myself for.

thank you, for noticing that i was quite morose the last few nights, everytime i check my blogs. that you felt, how it is not to be able to reply or comment in blogs (at least you can feel it coming from another blogger's perspective).

once again, i say "thank you" for telling me, that all i needed to do, was change the comment section into "pop-up window" instead of "embed". thank you for explaining too, that embedding codes can sometimes get really funny when there's something wrong with the cookies.

speaking of cookies, did you like the ones i left for you?

isnt it great that apart from writing you this, i can also get to share those cookies with you.

thank you,Kai..i am so glad you're here.



i am so happy...

its amazing how settings in my blog can actually make or break how my night turns out..

happy weekend all of you my lovelies...=)


note: i still cant post comments to blogspots which have 'embed' type comment settings...but i can on pop-up ones=)


Mommy Blogs said...

that's what i thought too. i chose 'embed' as well for my baby journal and no one can leave any comments at all.

hiddenrage said...

i know..karon rako kasabot..

mai mai and aileen's blog comments are still on embed..i cant comment yet=)

Shutterfairy said...


hiddenrage said...

mao gyud mai, yahooooo gyud!!!

konsuy said...

salamat anna.
you are so lucky to have her indeed.

mingaw hinuon ko akong sisteret da.

hiddenrage said...

hi chi=) grabe kaayo nako ka appreciate si Ana esp about my template, kay di gyud ko ka comment on my own blogs..i realized it was the kind of setting it had..weird, coz never used to have that problem on my own laptop:-(

i know the feeling how one feels when we miss our sisters...mas maapreciate nato ilang presence=)

*hugs chi*