Sunday 1 November 2009

dear ana, we thought of you

mama and i amused ourselves at Covent Garden , and did some antique browsing, , buying handcreams and colognes at l'occitane (christmas gifts,LOL),and just general sightseeing.

we had a snack at Ella's Cupcakes, and thought of you.

why the hell not? when the glittering Chocolate chip oreo cupcakes had glitters that reminded us of the baubles you put on your face whenever you feel bored.

mama recounted how since a little girl she always knew you were special.

i filled her in of anecdotes she missed when she was working,and i was your nanny.

lovely that.

it was a nice afternoon of the two of us at that table, but you were definitely there.

we are missing you badly.

BNW 12

Ella's at Covent Garden

BNW 11

the chocolate was mama's.
the oreo choc chip one--i had for you..see how much ate loves you? **

and also, thank you for keeping the fort intact and running smoothly.

you are the replacement "ate" for the meantime.


your sister who will slay sugar demons for you...=) x


i also met this guy called richard bridge today at calumet.

apart from being a handsome young man, he is a talented photographer (check his website).

he gave me some helpful hints about the medium format camera im eyeing.

i gave him some helpful hints about Cebu.

will you tour him for me?



Anonymous said...

hehehehe makalingaw baya ani nga blog uy...

na-excite ko puro sa cupcake and the guy lol

hiddenrage said...

hahaha, but knowing you, mas na excite ka sa cupcake,LOL..

kai, inig abot sa inyong passport, palihog ko'g patimbang kay basin ang gold anang passporta, baga kaayo..

Kaith said...

this is so touching, bisan dili ako si ana. :) i can imagine how happy you'd be when she and roi will finally be there.

hiddenrage said...

this is so touching, bisan dili ako si ana. :) i can imagine how happy you'd be when she and roi will finally be there.


spoken by a good "ate" that can understand,LOL..=) you know how it feels with our younger sibs, we want them nearby where we are kaith=)
i cant wait for them to come here..sounds like january nagyud ni sila kaari=)

Aileen said...

this is soooooo sweet. i want to be your sister! wait, sisters na man diay ta. =)

hiddenrage said...

this is soooooo sweet. i want to be your sister! wait, sisters na man diay ta. =)


yes, we are sisters, and dont you ever forget that! =)x