Wednesday 10 June 2009

i'm in love with kevin...

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...and joey, and amelia and marianna and isabella

yes! its definite. i am head over heels in love with the kids i see at my placement.

kevin is a 3 year cerebral palsy (cp)child that i work with in one of the special schools connected to the Child Development Centre im currently assigned at.

he is a son of an indian couple and he is such a chunky little boy, and so handsome. he was the first kid that made me cry home on my first day. i culd not stand seeing him in pain in his special seat. we had to strap him to enable his proper posture development.

he gets painful spasms every now and again, and seeing him smile and laugh everytime i see him just warms my heart.

joey is an athetoid cp child and he is just gorgeous. beautiful features this kid has and such a happy kid.

i do stretching exercises and play therapy with him, and it just such a nice session because he just laughs the entire time.

he is already 9 years old and his older sisers dote on him. i dont blame them, for having such a beautiful kid as their brother, they are mighty damn proud.

he taught me how to maneouver his joystick enabled wheelchair, and laughed so hard when i almost crashed him into the wall. ahhh, bless him.

Amelia is one of a kind. I love going to the "good morning" sessions at their class, because i get to play with her.

three year old Amelia has autism and some syndrome i forgot the name, but she is just so adorable.

everytime she sees me, she holds my hand and makes eye contact...she has got gorgeous golden brown curls and pretty brooding eyes..and when she smiles, she just makes your heart flutter and make you want to run to her and squish her til she giggles. (which i do,haha)

Marianna is a daughter of a portuguese lady and british man. she had a traumatic birth, and ended up with cerebral palsy.

shes a beautiful young girl, (13 years old) and such a bright kid. although Marianna cant verbalize her communication, she is able to use a communication aid to communciate and has developed her own vocalizations which her parents can understand.

I assessed her for a special seat which she needs to correct spinal curvature. Shes so well behaved and so cooperative and although you can see shes was somewhat in pain, she just went ahead and worked with me and the company rep who was supplying the seat.

everytime i see her at the school corridor, she'd wave excitedly and vocalize unintelligable sounds (for me), which was obviously quite positive. ahhh, i cant help but love her.

and Isabella, my dear Isabella. A 3 year old, but very tiny.

she's almost always sleeping, but not really. shes no trouble in class and just sits there listening to the teacher. she gives no fuss, and does not cry and gives all the normal positive responses any normal kid would have.

we hoisted her the other day, and i just wanted to carry her in my arms (because she's only tiny), but being on internship, i had to abide by health and safety regulations.

she clearly sometimes is in pain, but just coos and whimpers. oh,my heart breaks when she does that.

playing favourites? you betcha!=)

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every night, these children are now in my prayers...i feel so blessed i get to work with them.

my mornings and days are fuller just by being able to work with these little people who have such amazing personalities despite and inspite of their disabilities.

they have given me a renewed appreciation of being able to walk, and talk and do things as able as i can.

inspiration definitely do come in different forms..and in their case, sizes.


Jin said...

kahilakon ko nagbasa ani, chel. indeed, inspiration do come in different forms and sizes. =) kisses to kevin, joey, amelia, marianna, and isabella. they are so lucky to have you. =)

photosandmemos said...

thanks jane=) kumuton gyud imong dughan makakita nila...i just wish theyre happy in this world...=)

Shutterfairy said...

chel, the sakit i read in these entry were just in my books. i memorized each and everyone of them including the interventions, meds, how it came about etc. but you? you are actually working with them.. i am envious.

in order for me to fully understand cp, i watched uploaded videos at you tube cause it won't be imprinted in my head forever if i won't know how it looks like.

i miss school.

Mommy Blogs said...

you have a very big heart! i can tell how passionate you are with these kids with how much you talk about them like they're yours...

i feel for the parents... i don't know how they do it. but i guess love knows no boundaries... pure love that is, especially that of a parent to a child.

hiddenrage said...

chel, the sakit i read in these entry were just in my books. i memorized each and everyone of them including the interventions, meds, how it came about etc. but you? you are actually working with them.. i am envious.

in order for me to fully understand cp, i watched uploaded videos at you tube cause it won't be imprinted in my head forever if i won't know how it looks like.

i miss school.

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hi mai, i bet you do miss are such a disciplined student, i wish i had half your discipline=) dont worry,life is the best school, and of course, there are always opportunities to study when you abroad na=) masters maybe?)

mai, i knew i wanted to be a mom a long time ago..but the scare of having a disabled child sometimes puts me off. but now, this is Gods way of telling me, that i should not be scared...they are beautiful heart gets crushed everytime i meet a new one, but then i always end up realizing, htey actually are happy, intelligent kids, trapped in a body that can synchronize with its own movement...times like that i want a magic wand..

its such an interesting condition...i wish i can specialize in this one day and hopefully build my own school specilaizing in neuromotor dysfunction in children...that is the dream=

hiddenrage said...

you have a very big heart! i can tell how passionate you are with these kids with how much you talk about them like they're yours...

i feel for the parents... i don't know how they do it. but i guess love knows no boundaries... pure love that is, especially that of a parent to a child.

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hi che=) when you them and their abilities, you have no reason not to love them...they have these personalities that come out (in a variety of ways) no matter how uncoordinated and how difficult it is for them to move..

the parents are quite lucky in this country, in the sense that the government has provided funds for their child's needs to be met ( whether educational, therapeutic and moral support)..i suppose che, as a parent, you will love your child no matter what level they are, whether or not they have disabilities=)..i think you will be more overprotective of them when they have complex needs...=)