Monday 15 June 2009

mark's day...

or night...

today,we celebrated mark.

his birthday is always a specially marked day on the calendar because, apart from he is my husband's son, he is loved by everyone in the family...including by his very young stepmom,(that's me, silly).

as most of my friends know, Mark has special needs, he has autism. but thats just a label, to mention his needs. other than that, he lives on his own, (he owns his own flat), he works and is such a responsible, loving adult. his talents are computer-related,and he is never short of stories about football (soccer,they call it across the pond). he is well mannered and just absolutely a nice person...and i love him as my own son.

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since adrian and i were working, we booked a nice chinese restaurant at Ongar for the evening. (and did i mention that chinese food is his favourite meal?although he has now the palate for filipino dishes).

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after the meal, we went back to mark's flat and cut his chocolate birthday cake...
(these are the times, i wish Kusina Habana was just a local shop, i could have ordered custom made cake.. ) this choclate cake was store bought, and it did not live up to its price...

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adrian and Mark...he was happy with his snazzy new mobile phone birthday present...

* * *

life is a wonderful surprise.

june 15 is not just an ordinary day for me anymore. since 2003,i have been given another reason why i should mark the 15th of june as a day to celebrate family.

special ones at that.


Shutterfairy said...

Love this entry Chel.. you know why? because it made me realize that having step moms/step dad is still a peaceful change. Because here in Pinas, have you noticed? people make a big issue out of it and it's sad because i am in that situation. diri ra naay issue, but there or canada/us, it's no big deal.

Is mark funny too like Papa A? He's so lucky to have you as his step mom.

hiddenrage said...

hi mai=) its such a help that in this country having step parents is not an issue...i think i was the one who had an issue in the beginning, coz i didnt know how to react being a stepmother,haha..but treating them as adults, and knowing my position in their life (not a replacement for their mother), it was an easier transition than i thought...

Mark is funny,and talented...and such a generous and loving son to his dad, and to me,haha=) (today,he gave Adrian his father's day gift and card...he said, "if there was a stepmom's day, i could also have given you something ragen".awww, sweet kaayo,haha)...

thanks mai=)

Mommy Blogs said...

liwat sya ni ading noh? im still amused that your step sons are named mark and paul =)

swerte sad sila nimo chel... the way how lucky you are to have them in your life =)

hiddenrage said...

liwat sya ni ading noh? im still amused that your step sons are named mark and paul =)

swerte sad sila nimo chel... the way how lucky you are to have them in your life =)

- - -

liwat bitaw gyud siya che=)..bitaw gyud, Mark and Paul, murag significant gyud kaayo na nimo nga mga names,haha=)

thank you che..thats so sweet of you to say =)one of the best compliments i get in this lifetime=)