Tuesday 4 August 2009

blah bubble

BNW onetreehill2

im feeling blah.

i dont have anything to say nice or exciting. nothing out of the ordinary.

not even the simple mundane day-to-day, is too blah to write about.

so im writing about how blah i feel.

maybe this will vex the curse, or jinx the hex.

to describe my life recently, its too ordinary, and too simple.

picture this: cleaning,work,tv,sleep,work,stare at the walls, laugh at my own jokes, reading my own blog (now thats the highest point of ordinariness), blogging, reading people's blog (this is the most exciting part of life recently), and reading books. [edit: i forgot to mention the gym..i have been religiously going,LOL]

its just simple joys, that i dont know how to write it to make it look appealing even to me.

life is just stable and ordinary. no drama and no excitement.

im not sad, just blah. *tongue out*


visa news:

still havent heard anything from the appeal process for my brother's and sister's visas. im kicking myself why we applied for them together. i should have known entry offcers dont read application forms and that people with same surname applying together are expected as married. (maypa wala nalang sila nangayo ug birth certificate sa applicants, di man diay basahon. if they read it, both have the same parents,then we could have saved all this money and time-wasting exercise).

now my mama has to wait for one of them to get it to fly and visit adrian and i here in the UK.

im sure she'll be fine travelling on her own. but she's so precious, i cant imagine letting her fly long haul on her own. i have so many worries in my mind. my mom has some health problems, i worry. i worry sick. i even worry for the neighbours cat, so i cant help worry about my mother.

adrian is insisting we should have her come here by a deadline coz sayang iyang visa. i agree. but what if, the day we bought her tickets, ana or roi's (or both) visa will come through?

i dont know. my head hurts everytime i think about it. if anyone knows the answer, i will buy you ice cream.


sweetest of messages...

i received one from my cousin tony in facebook.

she thanked me for praying for her when she was in hospital for dengue last three weeks ago. but that wasnt the reason why i found it sweet.

it was sweet because in the letter,she also mentioned in detail her appreciation to her older sister Karla.

in detail.

she described how her sister slept in the small hospital bed with her, and how she was there the whole time.

its so sweet how younger sisters talk about their older sisters in a sweet loving manner. its even nicer that they appreciate the love their older sister give to them.

that tony is going places because she doesnt forget.

and i agree with her...all of us are so fortunate that we have karla in our lives. our sweet dearest sister karla.

(karl, i know you go chelo's blog-binge-reading once a month, so by the time you read this, di nako nimo hapakon kay dugay na kaayo..and i also know youre crying when you read this,LOL).

sisterhood is the best brotherhood...

and friendships, make my world go round...

and my life no matter how ordinary and simple, is always peppered with little treasures and lessons along the way...spices which i love.

now writing it all down, blah gone. enter food craving...

craving for the day: lechon kawali.

now if anyone can send me lechon kawali, i will buy you ice cream for a lifetime.


Mommy Blogs said...

not blah at all =)

hiddenrage said...

thank you che=) xxx

Shutterfairy said...

i've been feeling the blah's lately, too.. ambot..weeks naman ni.

i'll look for answers so that you can buy me ice cream.

hiddenrage said...

i've been feeling the blah's lately, too.. ambot..weeks naman ni.

i'll look for answers so that you can buy me ice cream.


hugs mai..it must be the air..;-(

you dont need to convince to buy you an icecream...i'll buy you all the icecream you want, pistachio, esp, your fave (as far as i can remember)=)

Jin said...

pwede durian na ice cream, chel? hihi. padal-an lang tikaw pictures sa lechon kawali. haha. jk. seriously, from the heart man ni na entry. it's not blah at all. =)

hiddenrage said...

pwede durian na ice cream, chel? hihi. padal-an lang tikaw pictures sa lechon kawali. haha. jk. seriously, from the heart man ni na entry. it's not blah at all. =)


hahaha, durian jed? wa man gani ube ice cream ngari,haha=) wa pa ko katilaw sa durian ice cream jane..patilawa nya ko=) ayaw lang picture jane oi, maghuot lang akong dughan ana..atakihon ko, pero wa ko katilaw sa kalami sa lechon kawali=)

Aileen said...

ka sweet ni tony. it's touching, hearing someone say good things about their siblings. si kharla, she's one of the nicest people i know. =)

Patricia said...

even your blah days make interesting reads chelo. =)

re the lechon kawali, if you visit me, i promise to cook it for you until you plead with me to stop. =D

hiddenrage said...

ka sweet ni tony. it's touching, hearing someone say good things about their siblings. si kharla, she's one of the nicest people i know. =)


she is ai=) im so lucky to have been related to her. she does so many wonderful things to other people she humbles me=)

hiddenrage said...

even your blah days make interesting reads chelo. =)

re the lechon kawali, if you visit me, i promise to cook it for you until you plead with me to stop. =D


plead you to stop? like thats ever going to happen=)LOL=)