being beautiful is how you feel.
i feel rotten most days. i know,maybe because the face that greets me (in the mirror) in the morning, is a face you would only encounter during nightmares and occasional horror movies.
but give me a few hours, id feel beautiful again. this is after a slather of cosmetics. (ive taken photos of myself, with and without make up, there is a marked difference,ok, so ayaw pakiglalis,LOL..*think:
juiceko, unsa nalang gyud kaha kung wala'y make up noh?* exactly!hehe).
even when someone compliments me (out of politeness or whatever), i dont feel it.
its not about lack of confidence, its about reality .
and not being delusional.
i know where im good at, i know which areas i need to flaunt, and
aha, beauty was never my strongest points.
but when i put on a nice outfit, a wonderful pair of shoes, a hint of jo malone's, and a dab of blusher, then id feel 'yup, my confidence goes up a notch'.
i dont have hang ups about my looks. it does not bother me because i dont need it for my job and most esp with the kind of friends i keep (theyd rather you're inteligent, talented and humanistic than be a dumbtwit dollface...=)
and in my family, youre beautiful if youre funny, so i always thought i was beautiful growing up. (only to realize that in the real world, beauty is a different definition).
in my teenage years,i was lucky enough to have found men(err boys) who found my personality 'sexy' and called me beautiful (in short, nakailad sad ko'g ubay-ubay).
in my thirties now,and married, and has no plans whatsover to beautify myself for 'boys' but for myself, i seem to have known what to magic wand aka make up brushes, will remedy it, albeit temporarily.
so whats the problem you ask?
i do somehow get bothered, that sometimes, in the middle of the night, i go to the loo, and forget there's a mirror somewhere.
that mirror, when a hint of light grazes it, i sometimes, scare myself.
how pathetic is that?!
how about you, amaze (amuse) me,with your wits, tell me:
1) what makes you feel beautiful?..
2) what makes you feel 'not so beautiful' (for those who never felt this, skip number 2,LOL)
3)how do you see yourself now? beautywise?..(can i just say, you're all beautiful to me)...
im tagging: you: therese, chichi, aileen, maimai, jane,patricia, ankai,...and all those who want to tell me what their definition of beauty is