Thursday 29 January 2009

to do,to do,to do (part 1)

plans, plans, plans for the near future..goal goal goal

1. visit the national portrait gallery
2. attend the OT national student conference (on the 24-26th of april)
3. attend mass at liverpool metropolitan kings cathedral
4. observe a friend's waterbirth
5. learn how to sew
6. enroll in a summer class (baking,indian head massage or pottery)
7. paint my nails bright red again
8. buy a bike (with a basket)-hopefully in the summer
9. wear more skirts and dresses
10. enroll in a flower arranging course
11. get back on the crosstrainer
12. learn how to ride a horse
13. learn BSL (British Sign Language)
14. connected to number 13, volunteer at SENSE
15. join a restoration group
16. go back to paris and take my dslr there.
17. visit another european country to take photos
18. watch a shakespearean play
19. learn to speak french
20. learn to play an instument (the guitar or the drums)
21. phone a friend who i have not spoken to in a very long time
22. bake my own victoria sponge
23. attend a wellness retreat
24. visit iceland and dip in the blue lagoon
25. grow my own flower pots.

...these are plans which dont have a deadline, (unless stated)...they may or may not happen, but my heart flutters for these...i thought id share them so i remember to reach for it.
and as one great inspirational supergirl Aileen said, so they will come true.


Aileen said...

love your list. almost like reading my own. iceland is in my places to see lst, too. =) we should go together. i hear it's very expensive though. so maybe, i will let the financial crisis pass first. hehe.

ah wellness retreat, i need that, too. hahaha!

and oh paris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to bring my dslr there too!

i wish you many more beautiful memories, chel. and the fulfillment of all these dreams. =)

photosandmemos said...

thank you ai=) inspired by your list....
i had to write it down because every now and again i reach an epiphany of sorts...but iso i took your advice cant keep track of my i took your example and followedyur lead, to write them..perhaps,ike yours, they will come true=)

Lynette said...

waterbirth!!! now, that's something I don't read often.

hiddenrage said...

hi nette!!! hahaha, i know, waterbirth fascinates me..two of my friends did that, and one promised that if she gets pregnant again, she'll let me observe=) isnt that wonderful?
i wish she'd get pregnant tomorrow=)

Shutterfairy said...

love your to do list.. wishing you get to do them all..

photosandmemos said...

thanks mai=) baby steps=)but im sure ill get there soon=)*hugs*