Saturday 3 January 2009

why we love cafe nero


one of them ad things you get from the cafe's walls...

apart from the fact, you dont need to ask for an extra shot.

(their coffees get an extra espresso shot by default).

they also know which pamphlets that i am willing to read through and keep in my bag.

strong delicious coffee and photographic exhibitions are a wonderful way to make me a regular.

and it doesnt hurt that their chocolate cake are on the cocoa-bitter side, than milky.

oh yes, i do know my priorities: coffee, photography and cakes.

not necessarily in that order.


Aileen said...

you got it right if you ask me. *grin* =D

hiddenrage said...

ai, kunsintidor! haha=)

Aileen said...

kunsintidor gyud bitaw ko chel. =D and perhaps, one of the most non-judgmental human beings in the planet. hehe.

hiddenrage said...

"one of the most non-judgmental human beings in the planet. hehe."

- - -

i totally agree with you here=) ako, i still judge ( i have my opinions on certain matters and i cant help it, my brain reacts differently)...but i dont say what i think (unless its concerning me)unless of course,asked,hehe...=)

Aileen said...

people ra ko dili judgmental, chel. i make judgments on certain situations, especially when it affects famiy and friends in painful ways. or maybe on people too, when they are blatantly assholes. hahaha!

other than that, i live and let live. deadma in other words. hahaha!

hiddenrage said...

hahaha,i agree ai..come to think of it, i too, make opinions on situations than people=)
yet, then i guess, natural reflex man siguro sa brain to have an opinion,only, judgemental people say theirs all too loudly and unwarranted...