Friday 4 June 2010

summer envy--no more


edited photo of my cousin K, in Boracay..(this was using the small digicam)..x


When my sister was here last March and April, she really was lucky to have been given a beautiful summery feel to April. (although the occasional cloudy days would resurface probably once a week/ majority of April was picnic and barbeque fun.

And then she went back home in May. The first two weeks were marred with showers and greyness. It was as if the sun hid because my smile did.

And then now, the forecasts have nothing been positive. We've been enjoying the sun eversince the start of halfterm/sembreak. Yesterday was even unbearable, we had to retreat to the mall after Adrian's minor surgery (nothing scary).

I have been having 'summer-envy' for the last few weeks, but now, its just only beach-envy.

Anyone care to bring me to the beach please?


We went to our GP today, for our vaccination consultation for our trip to India this August (pending on visa,haha). We were told that we need to have shots for diptheria, typhoid,tetanus,hepatitis,polio..and malaria tabs are needed too.

goodluck to my kidney and liver.



PS: do you know any acoustic band in cebu? ive googled and searched, i only came across guitarfest which is more of a rock-style acoustics.

im looking for acoustic bands/group that could play filipino/some english songs, preferrably for a wedding.

i one time saw an exhibit in SM for Cebu Guitar Association year 2002, and they had guitar players who were so talented. I wish, got their number.

No one seems to know.


Mommy Blogs said...

joan should be able to help you =)

Mimi said...

chel, kato diayng band sa inyong anniv. naa gyud siguro to silay kaila. but the best person to ask is the wedding belle :)

hiddenrage said...

joan should be able to help you =)


hi che=) she is, infact she's looking for me too, but she's so busy right now so im helping her, to help me..=)

hiddenrage said...

chel, kato diayng band sa inyong anniv. naa gyud siguro to silay kaila. but the best person to ask is the wedding belle :)


hi mims, that was a band with a guitarist..i wanted a pure guitar ensemble..=) Joan was the one who helped me find that band too and they were good, but im looking for a pure acoustic/guitar players..=) its hard finding one=)

Lynette said...

"Anyone care to bring me to the beach please?"

You know I'll take you everyday!!! Just be here. =)

hiddenrage said...

Hi nette!!! please do!! i miss the beach..we too arent that far from the beach, but i always think nothing beats beaches back biased,LOL.